We are not mailing out a printed catalog this year.
Download our list of 2025 catalog with prices here! (updated 3/14/2025). This catalog includes in-stock items that you can pick up now and items that we expect to have for the 2025 season!
Right now is a great time to grab up some of your favorites! With a 50% deposit, we will hold your items for up to a year.
Please note: prices are subject to change. We are experiencing a lot of price uncertainty right now with the threat of tariffs on Chinese products. If the tariffs get applied to our incoming products, we will need to adjust the prices on those items or add some sort of tariff fee to your order. I’m sorry. Hopefully we will know what is going on soon. That being said, a 50% deposit will still hold your items, and the price on in stock items will not change. But we just cannot guarantee the prices on incoming products right now. If you have any questions please let us know. We appreciate your patience and flexibility while we wait to see what is going to happen. Feel free to contact your government representatives to tell them why Chinese tariffs on fireworks don’t make sense!
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